Bet NBA - winner of the weekend challenge

Quoting @dpbmaverick98 on Discord:
We’re excited to introduce:

Masterfully crafted by @script (:stopwatch:,:moneybag:) and @GlacierLuo. Not only did they ace the 3x weekend quest, but they’ve also been instrumental in identifying bugs and share on our developer forum.

Dive in and experience the xdApp firsthand by following this link:

Seize the opportunity to place your bets on today’s NBA games and test your fortune.

This application collects the bet/team information on Optimism and inscribes them on Base for future use - by arbitrary messaging passing powers of Polymer.

And here’s a little extra motivation: winners will be in for a special surprise! But hurry, you’ve got less than 4 hours to make your bets and choose the winning combination of teams. Don’t miss out!

(Feel free to use a new testing account with testnet ETH - on OP Sepolia)

Code to be added to GitHub - polymerdevs/community-demo-dapps: Showcase of community project building interoperable applications with Polymer soon…